Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Subjective & Objective Claims

Subjective claim is if you believe that someone’s claim is true or false by your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, emotions or opinions. Objective claim is a claim that whether it is true or false does not depend on what anyone thinks or believes. Objective claim is the opposite of subjective claim. Let’s say subjective claim means “from someone’s point of view”, and objective claim means “not from someone’s point of view”. My friend just tweeted the other day on twitter that “Twitter is better than Facebook”. This claim can be true or false. It is someone else’s opinion, therefore makes that claim subjective. My two-year-old niece and was watching TV, and she said, “Ronald McDonald is the mascot for McDonalds”. I was surprised because she is just two years old and she knew who the mascot was. This is an objective claim because this is not her point of view.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i Aria,
    I really liked the introduction and your definition you provided for both objective and subjective claims. It helped me clearly understand what you were addressing. I liked the subjective claim you gave. Who is to say that Twitter is in fact better than Facebook. Knowing that Ronald McDonald is the mascot for McDonalds is very impressive for your two year old niece is going to be a genius! Little kids are so smart now and days. Its amazing just how much their little brains can hold. Well anyways, i enjoyed your blog.
    Keep up the good work!
